Hive76 and The University of the Arts have teamed up for this one, and we managed to persuade Leah Buechley to bring a bit of the MIT Media Lab to Philly in the form of a special presentation titled “Artisanal Technology“. Showtime is April 23, 11:30 A.M. The location is 5th Floor, Terra Hall (211 S. Broad).

In Leah’s words, “This talk proposes an alternate model for the production, distribution, and consumption of consumer electronics that emphasizes diversity, small scale production, and thoughtful consumption. I will raise and discuss several questions, including: what kind of technologies can be artisanaly produced–crafted in small batches? what benefits might society reap from artisanal technology? what benefits might we expect as designers and manufacturers? what tools need to be built to support an artisanal technology ecology?”
You can get tickets here. Admission is free and seating is limited, so we expect the event to fill up quickly. If you are interested in attending, get your tickets ASAP.
The talk is inherently cross-disciplinary, and we have done our best to recruit some of the more colorful members of the Philly creative community to attend.
We are hoping to have some displays in the room that give a sampling of High Low Tech, Philly Style. If you have some work that you’d like to display, please feel free to leave a comment — we’ll see what we can do.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
We are currently finalizing details for displays in the theme of “Artisanal Technology” and/or “High/Low Tech”. These terms are loosely defined — we just figure we’ll know it when we see it. If you think your work may fit the bill, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Displays will need to go up quickly (minutes), and will need to fit on standard work-table (nominally 2’x4′). We can make arrangements to pre-position your work out of the way so that it can be brought out and displayed at the appropriate time. Items will go on display after the talk (say, 12:45 to 1:00) and can remain up for a good hour and a half — possibly longer. It will be a loose gallery format and the pieces are intended to foster curiosity and conversation — possibly even inspiration.
You will need to be prepared to take your work home at the end of the event.