… Soon, I’m gonna have to switch places with some of the students in the class
It was weird to hit the Wednesday Hive Open House and see a handful of original MSP430 projects. The video above is an LED chaser effect that Chris Thompson whipped up based on concepts from the first session of the MSP430 class. As the old saying goes — teach a geek to fish and you’ll soon have LED encrusted fish.
Speaking of LEDs, here’s a Morse Code blinker project that Chris did. Mostly a cut & paste job, but if nothing else, it makes the point that there are plenty of MSP430 code samples out there and that it’s relatively easy to use them once you know the tools.
If you are an artist who wants to create small, cost effective interactive systems or a stone geek who wants to actually make a computer do something physical, this is a must-attend course. We’ll have labs that will show you how to flash gobs of LEDs with just a few IO pins, run stepper motors, read switches, generate sounds, read analog signals and even have MCUs communicate. You’ll leave with sample code and enough experience to apply this tech immediately.
We’ll be running this class again, for sure.
Send any questions to: mikehogan62 AT gmail DOT com