Schmooze and Booze

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Schmooze and Booze @ HiVE 76

We’re building a better world by uniting artists and hackers at “Schmooze and Booze”. This time around there will be robots, lasers and best of all, PositiveSpace.

Schmooze and Booze is a networking night that brings together artists,artist collectives, makers, builders, hackers, and coders. This quarter we willbe taking in the sites and sounds of HiVE 76. This incredible maker space, in the 915 Spring Garden Building, opens its doors to creative thinkers of all stripes and we’re hoping to see you there! Bring a friend. The more the merrier.

When: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Hive 76, 915 Spring Garden Street, Room 519, Philadelphia, PA
Price: This is a FREE event with a small suggested donation for beverages.

Please forward along to colleagues and friends that might be interestedin getting involved with Schmooze & Booze and PositiveSpace!

PositiveSpace’s mission is to create a network of local artists for anexchange of information and resources to further the development of creativeconcepts and ideas, as well as, create new opportunities for emerging andestablished arts by integrating art into the community in which we live.

PositiveSpace • P.O. Box 15251, Philadelphia, PA 19125 •

Cross-posted here.

Giant Operation Game at The Franklin Jan 30th

Giant Operation board by Hive76 and Make:PhillyMake:Philly folks and Hive76 got together back in November and December to build a GIANT version of the board game Operation for an event they were having. We spent 3-4 weekends working on it, and got some nifty coverage of it by Tango-Echo ‘zine.

The project was for a Body Words 2 event at The Franklin Institute back in December. Unfortunately, the event got snowed out that weekend when we got a (mini) snow storm.

We just got notice that the event has been put back on the calendar for Jan 30th. The kids will be playing the board game ‘Operation’ form 11AM to 1PM, with the final round being played on our GIANT Operation board we built! Come on out, check out what we make and do!

Operation Event, with Make:Philly & Hive76 GIANT Operation Board
Saturday Jan 30th from 11AM to 1PM
The Franklin Institute
222 N. 20th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Far McKon speaking at PACS on Saturday

Far McKon and Digital Snowart at 26C3
Far McKon and Digital Snowart at 26C3

Through some kind of GROSS error on their part (do they know what they are getting into?) I’m going to be speaking at Philadelphia Area Computer Society (aka PACS ) this weekend. I have no idea how or why I got through their sanity filters, but there is my name, on the schedule for a talk.

I’m going to be talking about Hackerspaces, how they relate to Software Libre and distributed software projects, and why the are going to take over the world (peacefully). I’m going to have a blast talking, and I hope I’m entertaining to the folks listening.

If anyone wants to come watch me make a fool of myself in person, the meeting is at the Community Center at the Super Giant Food Store of Willow Grove, and my talk starts at 12 Noon, and there is great stuff before and after it.

If you want to come and are not a member, You’ll probably need to grab a guest pass (from the right sidebar). Hopefully this is a first step in Hive76 and PACS working together on great stuff around Philly!

Open House with Mitch Altman Jan 20th

Mitch AltmanMitch Altman is coming through town next week, and had decided to stop by our Open House to hang out, and share some of his experience. He is also going to have some kits on hand, so if you want to buy a kit there, or need help assembling one you already have, come on out to visit.

Mitch is the brains behind Cornfield Electronics, and one of the co-founders of Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Mitch is best known as the inventor of TV-B-Gone, but his list of great hacks and cool electronics includes a lot of other great projects. When he is not at Noisebridge building awesome and amazing things, he is on the road from hackerspace to Hacker-Con and back again, sharing his love of electronics.

So next Wednesday (Jan 20th, at 7:30PM) come hang out at Hive76, meet one of USA’s great hackers, and build something cool! Mitch Altman included free of charge. Do not taunt happy fun hackerspace. Batteries NOT included.

Philadelphia Robotics Meetup – Postponed

UPDATE: This has been postponed. We will update when it’s rescheduled.

Join us for the first Philadelphia Robotics Meetup Group of 2010!

This month’s meetup will feature a “spinning cube” demo of my complementary filter based Inertial Measurement Unit code for our Quadrotor controller board (that will make more sense when you see it) and Xbee-based wireless communication between the controller board and a laptop. Also, Foster Schucker of STEM Robotics will demo some VEX robots.

When: January 14th, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Guitar Event Tonight MOVED

Just to clarify:  The guitar effects Study Group is meeting on Sunday, the 10th,  for a class (which is now sold out).   There will be no Guitar Effect Study Group tonight.

Guitar Effects 101 – again

Its Alive!Back By Popular Demand:
Build Your Own Effect Pedal!
Where: Hive76 (915 Spring Garden)
When: Sunday, January 10 at 1:00 PM
Cost: $50
Open to all abilities, ages 14+.

Hive76 has wanted to host an introductory electronics class for some time now. But instead of teaching folks how to solder together some dinky LED circuit, we decided to teach them how to make vintage guitar effect pedals!

Whether you are an old hand on the DIY electronics scene, or if you have never touched a soldering iron before, you will leave this class with some learnings about electronics, invention, and music, and, best of all, your very own home-brewed Tube Screamer clone, a classic distortion pedal if there ever was one.

For more info, contact
Print out the flyer here.

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