How do I join Hive76: You can sign up right here on our website at our Membership Page
How do I upgrade my membership level?: You can email and we’ll start the membership upgrade process. We’ll coordinate getting you a key fob and posting a membership vote.
Can I join at Basic or Core? Do I have to start as Light?: You can join at any level. If you know you want 24/7 key access, you can join at Basic or Core from the start.
How do I cancel my Hive76 membership?: Email and we’ll cancel your membership.
I’m under 18, can I join Hive? Sorry, but no – we have lots of tools around our space that can be dangerous and you need to be be 18 to sign our liability waiver.
Space Access
How often can Light members access the space?: Hive76 is completely member-run and doesn’t have any paid staff with set hours. But whenever a member with a key (Basic & Core) is at the space, Light members are welcome to join.
When is Hive76 open?: We have open houses every Sunday 2-5pm. We have member nights on Wednesdays starting at 7pm. Because Hive is completely member-run, we don’t have typical staffed hours outside of those times, so Hive is “open” whenever our members are there working on things. Basic and Core members get a key fob with 24/7 access.
Can I take a tour another time than open house?: Yes! Email to coordinate a time.
Making Things
Do I have to pay for machine time?: No! We want to encourage members to make things and feel that charging per usage is a barrier to that. Our laser cutter, 3D printers, woodshop and everything else are included in the price of membership.
I don’t know how to use the laser cutter/table-saw/[insert-tool-here], how do I learn?: Ask any management member and we’d be happy to teach you. We also have “Tool-Training Days” occasionally for those who want a formal training.
Do you sell supplies? (wood, acrylic, etc.): No, not at this time. Because member projects are so varied, members have to bring their own supplies. Occasionally a member may post about some spare supplies on our Slack that are up for grabs.
Do you have a welder?: No, we don’t have a welder and our current space (lots of wood) is not a good fit for a welder anyways. (We are strongly considering adding a metalworking area once we have completed our basement expansion, since it will have a concrete floor.) Currently, if you want to do welding, we recommend checking out NextFab who has a great metalworking space.
Partnerships and Projects
Can I pay Hive76 to build something for me?: Hive is a collection of individual makers, so Hive76 itself doesn’t take on projects. But sometimes individual members may be interested in taking on work.
I have an idea for a project, can people help me figure it out?: Sure! One of the great parts of Hive76 is the community of makers who all have different expertise. We have a section on our member Slack where members can share their projects and get advice.
I’m not a member, can I still rent Hive to run an event or teach a class? Yes! Pricing depends on day of the week and number of attendees. For pricing details, email
Can I advertise on your website?: Lol, no. Stop asking us.