Hive76 Code of Conduct: Anti-Harassment Policy
Hive76 is dedicated to providing a harassment-free space for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, housing status, language, or anything else. We do not tolerate harassment of members, guests, or visitors in any form. Sexual language and sexually explicit imagery is not appropriate for our space, nor Hive76-related events. Members, guests, or visitors asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Those violating these rules may be expelled from the space or event at the discretion of Management. Continued violation may result in banning from Hive76 sponsored events for guests/visitors or revocation of membership in accordance with Hive76 bylaws.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to: the above identities in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following, harassing photography or recordings; sustained disruption of talks, meetings, or other events; inappropriate or unwelcomed physical contact or sexual attention; and derisive comments regarding technical background, knowledge, experience, chosen craft, preferred tools, ability, or interests.
If a member raises a concern relating to actions covered by this policy in good faith, there will be no retaliation for bringing forward their concern. Threatening or taking action against a member for invoking this policy and/or for participating in any related investigation will be considered a violation of this policy.
All concerns relating to harassment, including sexual harassment, will be dealt with as confidentially as possible. A member’s identity or the circumstances regarding any concern or complaint will not be disclosed unless disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigating or taking disciplinary action.
Be awesome (nice) to each other! Be careful in the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Do not insult or act in a derogatory manner towards individuals in Hive76’s physical or virtual spaces. Aggressive swearing and offensive jokes are not appropriate for Hive76. Each person has a responsibility to be considerate of the comfort levels of others. Discussions, projects, and events should strive to exist in a culture of respect and consent.
Steps for Addressing Conflict or Harassment:
- If conflict arises with another member, consider addressing it with them directly. If you feel comfortable doing so. explain the negative impact and request that they stop the problematic behavior.
- If this is not possible, consider asking a neutral party to mediate. When both parties are attempting to act with respect and good will, most conflicts can be resolved without escalation.
- If the behavior is egregious, you believe that the behavior would only be redirected at others, you feel that direct communication is unsafe or otherwise inappropriate, or if the steps above have failed to resolve the situation, you should contact:
- Anyone who becomes aware of an incident of harassment is encouraged to make such a written report.
- The board will take appropriate action as soon as reasonably possible. Possible actions include: a verbal or written warning, temporary suspension of access to the space, and termination of membership without refund of dues.
- The Management and the Board shall keep records of all such incidents brought to its attention and the actions taken in response.