For Philly Tech Week, I will be showing visitors how to take a shape from Adobe Illustrator into the popular open source CAD program OpenSCAD and make a 3D model suitable for 3D printing.
I’m sure you know Illustrator. It’s the most successful vector drawing program <clarkson>in the world.</clarkson> OpenSCAD is less well known. It is best described as coding for objects. You make a solid with the function cube() and cut a cylinder() out of it with the difference() function, etc. But sometimes you want a more organic or complicated shape to start with. That’s where artist JK Keller stepped in and made a script that automates some of the process for you. What you need for this workshop:
- Laptop
- Adobe Illustrator
- OpenSCAD
- This script:
- Some designs or ideas
There may not be time to print everyone’s design, but you should go home with something 3D printed.
Monday 4/22 5pm – 10
Gratis and Libre (free)
Hive76, suite 519915 Spring Garden St Philadelphia PA 19123
RSVP by commenting below.