Loyal readers will remember that back in May we had a table at the Trenton Ave Arts Fest to raise loot for a project with Neighborhood Bike Works (NBW). Now that the project is well under way, it’s time to share the fun.
Hiver Jack Zylkin designed an adorable blinky odometer, and we’ve been teaching 8-14 year olds at the NBW summer camp how to build and solder them. We’ve had a blast, and maybe even inspired a few mad scientists and junior engineers. Many thanks to Cat, Alison, Joe, Brandon, Mustafa, and all the great coordinators and students at NBW.
If you’re interested in this fun and very basic electronics project, let us know. We might be persuaded to run a class. And if you’re feeling generous and want to support more programs like this, feel free to make a donation and note that you’d like it to go to youth education, bikes, rehabilitation of troubled robots, etc.