Posted on December 22, 2011What the hell is computational cognitive science? He can count.... on YOU being there! Glad you asked!! Come to Hive 76 on December 28th to find out! For our next open house, Hive 76 would like to welcome a very special guest speaker, Josh Abbott! Josh is a researcher at Berkeley’s Computational Cognitive Science Lab and has graciously accepted a request to come speak at our space. He will be giving an overview of Bayesian probability theory and Marr’s levels of analysis and cite specific examples of how they relate to his work. If you are at all interested in cognitive science, some theory behind it, or machine learning, I strongly urge you not to miss this! This will be geared towards folks without math backgrounds, and Josh will stick around to answer questions. Who: Josh Abbott. He has studied bottlenose dolphin vocalizations [pdf]!! What: Brief lecture on CoCoSci Where: Hive 76 HQ, 915 Spring Garden, studio 519 When: December 28th, 730PM Why: Science!! How much: Free!!!